Invest in HVAC Maintenance Today in Austin, TX

You depend on your air conditioner to keep your home in Austin, TX, comfortable during the hottest days of summer. While investing in routine HVAC maintenance will ensure your system runs reliably throughout the season, it will also provide the following benefits.

Reduced Energy Expense

Your system will eventually lose efficiency by collecting airborne contaminants on components like the evaporator coil and circulating fan. This reduction in efficiency raises your utility expenses as your system runs longer cycles. During a routine maintenance visit, a technician cleans these components, ensuring your system can freely circulate air.

Better Health

Increased allergies and respiratory irritation are common problems caused by poor air quality. As they clean components your technician will also change the filter so your system can continue to remove troublesome allergens, aiding your family’s health. You should check your filter monthly and change it as needed, or at least quarterly.

Fewer Repairs

With restricted airflow from airborne contaminants, your system may experience additional strain. This strain on system components could lead to premature failure and ultimately additional AC repairs. As your technician maintains your system, they’ll ease its load, which can help prevent future breakdowns.

Warranty With HVAC Maintenance

When you call for repairs for your HVAC system, you want to know your warranty is still valid. Many manufacturers stipulate professional maintenance to maintain the warranty. If you skip out on regular maintenance, you may find yourself covering the repairs for your system without the benefit of a warranty.

Extended Service Life

When you neglect routine maintenance, you may reduce the potential service life of your system by five or more years. However, when you get professional maintenance, you may very well extend your service life beyond the average of 10 to 15 years.

Make one of the best investments for your HVAC system. Call one of the experts at Del’s Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule your HVAC maintenance appointment.

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