Is My Heat Pump Low on Refrigerant in Austin, TX?

One way you can prepare for the heat of summer in Austin, TX is by checking for issues with your home’s heat pump, especially the refrigerant line. Refrigerant plays a crucial role in cooling as it absorbs the heat from your home and releases it outside. Low refrigerant won’t do your heat pump or your home any favors, so if you’ve encountered these three signs of low refrigerant, you should call a technician right away.

Lukewarm Air

With less refrigerant to remove heat, your heat pump won’t blow out as cool as it should. While it’s natural to get lukewarm air for a few minutes when you switch from heating to cooling mode, it should not persist. You may also notice that the cycles become abnormally long, exceeding the 10- or 15-minute mark.

Gurgling Noises

Heat pumps do produce certain noises upon startup, but gurgling should not be one of them. Continual gurgling means that the refrigerant line is leaking, and air has entered into it. Note that refrigerant is a toxic substance and that leaks need immediate attention.

Frost on the Condenser Coil

If you have regular maintenance performed on your heat pump, then the technician may easily find out whether frost or ice has built up on the condenser coil in the compressor. This signifies loss of refrigerant and needs attention. Remember to never try and break off the ice as this can damage the coil and fins.

When the time comes for heat pump or AC repair, call Del’s Heating & Air Conditioning for a service visit. We’ll send out technicians to your home in Austin, and in most cases, we can perform same-day service. Established in 2007, our company has highly experienced technicians who can work on heat pumps of all makes and models.

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